Thursday, December 5, 2013

In The Name of Pakistan (A letter to Pakistan)

Feelings of a son for his Motherland!


My beloved and Pious Country Pakistan,

I will not ask how well you are doing because the feeling of the pain that you are facing nowadays turns into a zealous feeling, a determination and turns into blood to circulate in my veins. Especially while I am abroad for the sake of job, my separation with you pins myself each and every moment of the day.

While a person is born, he/she learns from his/her elders and makes them an inspiration to live. We also are taught some very good things and then we follow them too. But when we reach the stage of consciousness and as we study our history to see the overall situation, sometimes I really feel ashamed. For the sake of their personal interest, what our Puppet and Selfish leaders has done to yours dignity and pride, when I think about that at one place my soul is shocked and at the other I start to think that is there anything named Morality and responsibility still exists among our nation? And that, is the fear of Doom’s day has been vanished from our heart and soul? After the death of Quaid-e-Azam and his close colleagues, this Nation remains awaited for some revolutionary leader just like that barren land who is waiting for rain for a very long time.

I firmly believe that my Nation is among the most potential and powerfully charged Nations of the world but despite of this all why these tragedies continue to find us? Just like a scattered crowd with no aim and direction and YOU, YOU always took us under your soothing shadow and protect us. We all are reaching the heights of thanklessness to all the blessings to which we are gifted to. Yours Ideological Base and foundation is the most precious treasure of my life. And when I see our rulers trying question this ideology and sometimes hiding eyes from this concept, I am severely hurt thereby .Such shameless people who tingle to hug a female USA VP candidate (Sarah Palin) at the world forums while they are representing Islamic Republic of Pakistan. People who spread their hands for aid making such senseless groups as FRIENDS OF DEMOCRATIC PAKISTAN to sarcastic ate a Dignified Nation. Perhaps people have stopped thinking or else they are hiding their eyes from the reality. Such a pungent atmosphere where people sigh even for their basic needs and your young and talented sons going abroad to serve interests of other countries. Have we got independence for this day? How can I share my sorrow with someone else as it’s only the motherland that listens and absorbs anything when a son weeps down to his limits. Countries that got independence well after us are far ahead at this stage and we are still trying to resolve issues between Punjabi and Balochi.Its a place where a third generation child is labeled as MUHAJIR. What non sense have we got into?

And thereafter I do not know from where I am filled with life and erected with sense of pride. I firmly remember those days while I was passing through exams phase in the 3rd year of University when a lethal Earthquake had struck our country’s Northern part in 2005.The whole nation got together and sacrificed each and everything for their suffering brothers and sisters. Nobody else can show such extreme passion and mobility as we are the successors of Brave-Hearted forefathers. The great will, that your sons showed in the Prime Ministers’ QARZ UTARO MULK SANWARO SCHEME is rarely seen elsewhere. Then, the latest thrilling stuff of Cricket World Cup, 2011 when Nation showed a great passion and love for you and ultimately accepted the defeat with outstanding dignity. What really happen after all these events???Why does segregation takes over Unity. What is the reason behind this?

Initially, I thought that there is something missing among ourselves but by the passage of time I have realized that this all happens due to your Ideological base. Outsiders fear your existance.They cannot see an Islamic Welfare state flourishing in front of their eyes. Your enemies are the largest in this world I suppose and adding a topping to all that, some of our own people have become traitors and sell your dignity to enemy. I do not know what do these traitors really think and why do they sell their Nation? I am answerless to this question.

I cannot well explain regarding the previous generations but I have seen an everlasting will and Passion in today’s youth. The passion to revive your Dignity and pride. The passion to bring back the Ideology and fulfill all dreams of Iqbal. I firmly believe that we can least expect anything from our today’s leadership. We cannot go below the point where we are standing right now. That’s why I am positive that this is the point where you will start to raise InshAllah and will reach a Zenith height of Glory. From now on, you will only go upwards InshAllah. Under your shadow, we will build a Fort which will protect all Muslims of the world Inshallah. Circumstances are saying something else, but I do not know why my heart still gives testimony for you to resurge.

Right from the days of childhood, I have been listening that we need a leader who will come and show us the right path and will take us to the great destiny. Every other person says this. But my heart guides me that the right path is only that we learn initially (in our childhood days).The path of truth, path of Unity, the path of believing in your own skills. We know all these paths the only thing lacking is the action and determination. Everyone is the leader for himself. The ray of light that we are searching across the horizons is in fact hidden inside our own existence. We just need to concentrate and think in positive manner.

By the way, there is a long and never ending story of intense feeling for you hidden in my heart that perhaps will never end. Even though you are injured at this moment but InshAllah we will take you out from this worst situation. Perhaps I will never be able to express that love which my heart carries for you because the man has been unable to invent those words that can express my passion for you. Your love and admiration is the precious treasure of my life.O’ my beloved country, please always keep myself in yours soothing shadow.

Perhaps the people are right who say that PAISTAN KA ALLAH HEE HAFIZ HY but I say that if Allah is protecting you then we (Your Sons) are yours guardians. With the blessing of Allah, each and every one of your son will protect you till his last drop of blood. Always!

I am not shy to express my Love for you that you are the only love of my life.
May Allah always keeps you rising and prosper.
Sohny Dhartee Allah Rakhay,
Qadam Qadam Abaad Tujhe

Note: This Article was first published on the following address on 26th April,2011 


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