A very unwanted feeling while I first heard it. When I Saw an add
showcasing ‘Pakistan Idol’ with whirling bodies responding to soothing
Music, “What the Hell is that?” was my first impression. Following the
Western and Indian footsteps of a famous TV show, the whole scheme is
planned for Pakistan now. It’s really not a surprise that GEO again
hitting foundations of Pakistan.
What’s going to happen next? Holy auditions in which the young
generation will apparently be dying to participate and become celebrity
overnight. Judges will judge and pass their insight comments on people
and selecting best voices that have a cutting edge attitude to contest
for most Cool individual/best voice in Pakistan. A Dancing and singing
Icon who will rock the stage and ultimately become identity and face of
Pakistan. But the question is, does it really suits us and matches with
overall thinking of our society? Was Pakistan created for this day? Does
it fit to compliment word ‘Pakistan’ to associate in a singing/dancing
show? I will explain my thinking in upcoming lines.
To second my thought of uneasiness about this show, I discussed it
with my friends and colleagues and found that majority of them felt in
the same way and disliked this idea. Young Generation is less convict as
they are always waiting for something, some direction to follow and
grabs opportunities overwhelmingly which comes their way. Teenagers, as
we all know need guidance to distinguish between right and wrong.
Majority of mainstream media just does not propagate the real Pakistani
thought and culture and runs a race of RATINGS to attract the popularity
within masses. So people run towards each opportunity, be it NACHLE or
What I understand Pakistan is??
1) A piece of land meant to be an Islamic Welfare state.
2) Pakistan mean ‘Pak’=Tayyab in Arabic & ‘istan’=Home, City or
Place i.e. Madina in Arabic. When combined together, it become Taayyab
Madina OR in other words Madina Tayyaba (Holy city of Saudi Arabia,s
resting place of prophet S.A.W).
3) As per my understanding, our real heroes are likes of Hazrat Umer
(R.A.)Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A), Tipu Sultan(R.A.),Tariq Bin Ziyad
(R.A.),Muhammad Bin Qasim(R.A.), Jaber bin Hayyan, Allama Iqbal,
Quaid-e-Azam, Jehangir Khan, Noor Khan, Arfa Karim Randhawa etc etc.
Their accomplishments should be our source of guidance and idealism not
Adding to above, there are hundreds of such sacred things attached to
Pakistan which have been witnessed throughout our History. So INDIAN
IDOL type things really do not suit us. It’s not representing our
background, aims, thoughts and culture. Still, today when our ship seems
to be sinking, we see Grip of moral values and Islamist approach within
our families. Unfortunately, this thinking is not depicted across the
horizons and majority of media tries to follow Indian type format always
propagating things against our culture and desires of masses.
In the absence of concrete training and direction to our nation, air
of confusion and unsubstantiated entertainment is often aired by media
specially GEO trying to replace above stated ideals/heroes with Dancing
bunnies and attempting to create a hollow identity of our Nation. Being
silent and letting them do whatever they want will not do any good for
us. We can not control their initiatives but we can try to resist to the
best of our capabilities. The concept of PAKISTAN IDOL is so Hurting
and disturbing that I could not control myself to write this article as a
sign of protest with a sense of Duty.
Pakistan ship seems to be sinking and media plays a great role by
propagating crispy and negative stories about society (closing their
eyes to many great and selfless attitudes within our people specially
our Defense Institutions). The least we can do is to recognize our duty
and obligation to this great motherland, we can try to block holes in
this ship and stop hands of people making these holes. In this air of
pious word of ‘Pakistan’ to be removed from this show, GEO
IDOL would be perfect word I suppose and then Enlightened moderates can
enjoy as much as they can!
Note: This article was first published at the following address:
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